Binary packages on Windows XP 64 bits (should be Vista and Seven compatible)
These binaries are ordered as a regular unix tree, i.e. bin, include, share and lib folders. They were compiled on a MSDNAA Windows XP 64 bits installation, using MinGW64. If you are using MinGW or Cygwin, I recommend identifying your local installation folder as follows:
the last operation should open a new window. Copy the archive into it, and unpack it locally ("extract here"). The archive and binaries was not created on my routine windows computer but on a development virtual machine, running an antivirus (AVG free) and a minimal set of tools, so I expect all that to be virus free... but the server some times had javascript attacks, and a check of the archive after download is safer. Download ZIP (6.5Mb) You should obviously then make sure /usr/local/bin is in your PATH, and /usr/local/lib in LD_LIBRARY_PATH or /etc/
Documentation packages for libgsl and GNUstepUpdated to 1.21 (GNUstep) and 1.14 (GSL) I use these two solutions a lot for my developments, GNU Scientific library is a great compilation of numerical routines for scientific programming, and it's clean C language. I use to look after online resources for its documentation, to avoid building it everytime (PDF requires lots of packages on classical distributions) : I almost never find the latest documentations when I need them - so here it is. Download/view PDF file (libGSL 1.14, 2.5Mb) Download HTML archive (libGSL 1.14, 1.2Mb) GNUstep is the light after C++. Those tired of the ugly C++ syntax, spent enough nights debugging demangled obscure leaks, should now look at a sexy programming language. That's called Objective-C, works perfectly on all platforms I work on (Windows, MacOSX, Linux). It has been made popular as Apple has chosen it, but that's not Apple invention, and I think this is worth spreading the word it is simply a great environment whatever the platform is. If you look after the doc, you already know all that : Download HTML archive (GNUstep base 1.21.0, 783kb) Download HTML archive (GNUstep base additions 1.21.0, 164kb) Download/view ObjC manual (PDF) (GNUstep 1.21.0, 607kb) I don't use much the application GUI packages, so I did not make these docs, one day, may be (would you like?!) Nota: (1) that's not Web2.0-XML-wiki-dHTML-dotnet, therefore the up-to-dateness of these pages depends on my mood, that's the classical way people who looked at internet years ago like things to be done. I prefer to do pages myself, put lots of love in this work and let people appreciate (or not). (2) All packages were created under Linux, therefore I can pretty much guarantee archives are virus free |
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